fer-de-lance|fer de lance in English


large and extremely venomous snake native to tropical America

Use "fer-de-lance|fer de lance" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fer-de-lance|fer de lance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fer-de-lance|fer de lance", or refer to the context using the word "fer-de-lance|fer de lance" in the English Dictionary.

1. 1934, Rex Stout, Fer-de-Lance, 1992 Bantam edition, →ISBN, page 93: It's a Bigeneric hybrid, they don't come in nature like that

2. Yo'ma hadn'been well fer de longes '.

3. Ajuda'ns a fer de l'Auditori un espai segur

4. Révolution industrielle; acier; Capitalisme; chemin de fer

5. " Miss Scarlett, you knows dey ain'been no sugar at Tara fer de longes '.

6. Antivenin (Crotalidae) polyvalent a serum containing specific venom-neutralizing globulins, produced by immunizing horses with venoms of the fer-de-lance and the western, eastern, and tropical rattlesnakes, used for treatment of envenomation by most pit vipers throughout the world.

7. It ain'safe fer you.

8. De forme octogonale, elle possède un Baldaquin en fer forgé réalisé par un auteur inconnu

9. Lance Armstrong having raced in the Tour de France is an example of someone who Biked.

10. La Bombarde est une pièce d'artillerie apparue pendant la guerre de Cent Ans qui lançait des boulets de pierre ou de fer d'un calibre important

11. Ah got a letter fer you.

12. The war lartment has aided in mapping out itinerary and has furnished the Bsage which the couriers are to de- fer

13. Pierre Possart le frappa d'un coup d'un baston qu'il portoit, où il y avoit une bouterole de fer, Du Cange, Bouteria

14. Circumferential: /cir·cum·fer·en·tial/ ( -fer-en´shal ) pertaining to a circumference; encircling; peripheral.

15. to lance an abscess.

16. Lance owes me big-time.

17. Aphaeresis BrE, apheresis AmE [Stress: ‘a-FER-e-sis’]

18. The Chemin de fer d'Anvin à Calais was a 1,000 mm (3 ft 3 3 ⁄ 8 in) metre gauge railway from Calais to Anvin, in the Pas-de-Calais department of France

19. Quentin Lance, master of the understatement.

20. I hurled a lance at him.

21. Huccome you din'ast dem ter stay fer supper, Miss Scarlett?

22. Bobine à noyau de fer, Bobine comportant à l'intérieur de la carcasse qui supporte l'enroulement un noyau ferromagnétique qui augmente fortement l'induction magnétique créée.

23. Deutsch: Der Echte Widderbock, Gemeine Widderbock oder Wespenbock ( Clytus Arietis) ist ein Käfer aus der Familie der Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae)

24. Numerical and Link level simulation show that ITA can converge to the predefined FER, while Threshold Adjustment AMC algorithm proposed by 3GPP deviate the predefined FER.

25. Related to Corporals: lance corporal CORPORAL